We have to admit, we have a Facebook account and a Facebook page. Â We didn’t embrace it at first, maybe because we’ve been in the court system so long and are a little on the cynical side. Â Nevertheless, there have been tremendous benefits of social media. Â We’ve been able to reconnect with people we haven’t talked to in decades. Â We’ve expanded our friendship base exponentially.
On the flip side, we’ve reported more than one divorce hearing or criminal deposition where facts, figures and “dirt” have been dug up from these sites and used against people. Â Which is why it amazes us at some of the personal information and photographs people post online for the world to see. Â Maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised, what, with all the reality shows and Jerry Springer and Maury Povich and the like.
We recently came across this article on the technology boom and privacy concerns on www.law.com. Â Very interesting read. Â We invite you to click on the link and read for yourself. Â We’re interested in your take on the subject.
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