All Good Reporters proudly provides CART services throughout the State of Florida for:
- Classrooms
- Courtrooms
- Conventions and Conferences
- Doctors Appointments
- Business Functions
- Anywhere Communication Access is Needed.
This list is by no means exhaustive.  Don’t see your function on the list?  Just complete the Contact Us form to the right of the page or  call us toll free at  800-208-6291, or our main office 321-285-2324 to inquire further.  We promise to contact you within 24 hours.
Here at All Good Reporters, our certified CART providers learn about communication techniques from many sources, including court reporting association seminars, agencies serving people with disabilities, and sign-language courses. They must keep abreast of current trends, laws, literature, and technological advances relating to the provision of CART services. Our CART providers often work with hard-of-hearing students and people who are learning English as a second language, captioning high school and college classes and providing transcripts at the end of the sessions. We also accompany deaf clients to events, including conventions, doctor’s appointments, or wherever communication access is needed. We are increasingly furnishing this service remotely, because an Internet or phone connection allows for immediate communication access regardless of location.
You can reach us multiple ways:  Call us toll free at 800-208-6291 or locally 321-285-2324; fill out and send in our contact form or email Â
Benefits of CART
Regardless of the environment, CART offers some distinct benefits to those making use of this service:
- Equal access.CART consumers receive the same information as anyone else and can interact fully in any setting.
- Complete communication access.CART provides a verbatim record of the class, meeting, conference, etc., capturing every word spoken as well as environmental sounds.
- Flexibility.CART can be used in a variety of settings, whether one-on-one with a single consumer reading off of the CART provider’s laptop computer screen, in a small group such as a business meeting with the text appearing on a television monitor, or even in a much larger setting like a convention with the CART provider’s realtime text projected to a large screen for everyone in the room to read.
- Independent learning/understanding.With the provision of CART, the responsibility for the consumer’s learning or understanding lies with the consumer. For example, rather than relying on notes provided by others, the consumer will have a verbatim record of the event from which to determine what is or is not important, based upon the consumer’s understanding of the material presented.
- Increased learning potential.In the classroom setting, studies have shown that CART enhances the deaf or hard-of-hearing person’s ability to comprehend the speaker. Moreover, CART improves a hearing person’s verbal comprehension.
- Full participation.Because the CART provider combines a word-for-word translation with environmental sounds, such as laughing or a cell phone ringing, and descriptions of tone or inflection (excited, despairing, angry, etc.), the consumer has the opportunity to fully participate.
- Choice of notetaking options.The consumer can have the text file fed through a version of litigation-support software as the CART provider realtimes the class, meeting or event. The consumer can then use the highlight or annotate features of the software to pick out what he or she wants to retain. Thus, the consumer has the choice of obtaining the verbatim record of the event and/or only those portions that he or she deems important.